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Don Bacon stands up for Trump. Kara Eastman stands up for America.

U.S. Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who is in a competitive election in the Omaha-based 2nd Congressional District, is downright laughably claiming that the fact that President Donald Trump is soft on the Vladimir Putin regime in Russia is a "false narrative":
In cased you missed the Helsinki summit between Trump and Putin, you missed one of the biggest acts of betrayal in U.S. history, in which Trump openly sided with Putin, the Russian dictator, against the U.S. intelligence community on the issue of the Putin regime's interference in the 2016 U.S. elections to the benefit of Trump and the Republican Party. It's not a false narrative to say that Trump is soft on Russia, in fact, it has been alleged, although not confirmed, that the Russians have kompromat (i.e., compromising information) on Trump, and it has also been alleged, but not confirmed, that Trump has been a Russian asset since the mid-to-late 1980's.

While Don Bacon is busy standing up for Trump, even after Trump betrayed our country, Kara Eastman is standing up for America. Unlike Bacon, Eastman has been a strong, unwavering critic of Russian interference in U.S. elections, because she believes that foreign governments shouldn't interfere in American elections:

When it comes to whether to stand with Trump and Putin or stand up for America, the people of Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District can trust Kara Eastman to stand up for America.
